St. Columba's Anglican United Church St. Columba's Anglican United Church
St. Columba's Anglican United Church is live
St. Columba's Port Hardy Sunday Service
Robert Fyles
Robert Fyles
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Order of Service and Hymns

PO Box 1260, Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Office Phone: 250-949-6247
Minister: Rev. Christine Muise
Wardens: Robert Fyles and Priscilla O’Neil
Treasurer: Judy Fyles
Music Ministry: Roldan Yuipco
Video: Ammie Yuipco
Community Partner: Cathie Wilson
O'man’s Nam’a LeaderShift
Team Member:Sheila Cook

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
July 17, 2022
Sunday Morning Gathering
Robert Fyles Presiding

Mission Statement
As followers of Jesus the Christ, our church is a community called to love, honour, worship, and serve God. We invite others to share our Christian journey as we grow in faith and engage in ministry in our town and mission in our world.

The Community Gathers
Land Acknowledgement

Call to Worship
In the presence of the faithful, let us proclaim God’s name.
In the presence of the faithful, let us praise God’s holy name.
In times of joy and pain,
In the presence of the faithful, let us praise God’s holy name.
Whether serving at table, or in the streets, or on the mountaintops,
In the presence of the faithful, let us praise God’s holy name.
In our learning and teaching, and all of our growing,
In the presence of the faithful, let us praise God’s holy name.
Come, let us worship God!

Hymn: VU 395 Come In, Come In and Sit Down

Come in, come in and sit down,
you are a part of the family.
We are lost and we are found,
and we are a part of the family.

You know the reason why you came,
yet no reason can explain;
so share in the laughter and cry in the pain,
for we are a part of the family.

God is with us in this place,
like a mother’s warm embrace.
We’re all forgiven by God’s grace,
for we are a part of the family.

Come in, come in and sit down,
you are a part of the family.
We are lost and we are found,
and we are a part of the family.

There’s life to be shared in the bread and the wine;
we are the branches, Christ is the vine.
This is God’s temple, it’s not yours or mine,
but we are a part of the family.

There’s rest for the weary and health for us all;
there’s a yoke that is easy, and a burden that’s small.
So come in and worship and answer the call,
for we are a part of the family.

Come in, come in and sit down,
you are a part of the family.
We are lost and we are found,
and we are a part of the family.

Words and music: James K Manley

Opening Prayer
Come into our lives, Jesus.
Help us to be faithful listeners.
Help us to be faithful servants.
In all that we do, may we welcome you and serve you as disciples.
Amen. Gilakas’la. Amen.

Hutłilala's! Listen deeply as scripture is read and the word proclaimed.

Hebrew Scripture: Micah 6:6-8

Psalm 100 BAS p 838
1 Be joyful in the Lord, all you lands; 
serve the Lord with gladness and come before his presence with a song.
2 Know this: The Lord himself is God; 
he himself has made us, and we are his; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
3 Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise; 
give thanks to him and call upon his name.
4 For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; 
and his faithfulness endures from age to age.

God our Father, you have created us as your people, and you sustain us with your hand. Help us always to give you thanks, for you alone are worthy of thanksgiving and praise and honour, now and for ever. Amen.

Epistle: 1 Peter 2: 1-9

Hymn: MV 1 Let Us Build a House verses 1,2,4,5

Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live,
a place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive.
Built of hopes and dreams and visions; rock of faith and vault of grace;
here the love of all shall end divisions:
All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.

Let us build a house where prophets speak, and words are strong and true,
where all God’s children dare to seek to dream God’s reign anew.
Here the cross shall stand as witness and as symbol of God’s grace;
here as one we claim the faith of Jesus:
All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.

Let us build a house where hands will reach beyond the wood and stone
to heal and strengthen serve and teach, and live the Word they’ve known.
Here the outcast and the stranger bear the image of God’s face;
let us bring an end to fear and danger:
All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.

Let us build a house where all are named, their songs and visions heard
and loved and treasured, taught and claimed as words within the Word.
Built of tears and cries and laughter, prayers of faith and songs of grace;
let this house proclaim from floor to rafter:
All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.

Words and music: Marty Haugen.

Gospel: Luke 10: 38-42
Hear what the spirit is saying to the church!
Thanks be to God


Hymn: VU 508 Just As I Am

Just as I am, without one plea,
but that thy blood was shed for me,
and that thou bidd'st me come to thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;
sight, riches, healing of the mind,
yea, all I need, in thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, though tossed about
with many a conflict, many a doubt,
fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, thy love unknown
has broken every barrier down;
now to be thine, yea, thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Words: Charlotte Elliot Music: William Batchelder Bradbury.

Prayer of Confession
God of love and patience, we take this moment to pause, and confess those times when we are too busy for you, for one another, and for ourselves. (Pause.)

Forgive us
when we are too busy to spend time in prayer and listen in our hearts for your word in our lives.
Forgive us
when we are too busy to notice the needs of others.
Forgive us
when we are too busy to stop what we are doing and help one another, or laugh with one another, or simply even notice one another.
Forgive us
when life becomes overwhelming, and we do not even take time for our own needs.
Help us
to listen to your voice within our hearts, calling us back to centre our lives with you.

Words of Assurance
In Christ all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, making peace with all things, on earth and in heaven. This same God offers us forgiveness for all our sins. We are invited to dwell in God’s house, to grow in God’s garden, to sit at Jesus’ feet.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

Hymn: VU 374 Come and Find the Quiet Centre

Come and find the quiet centre
in the crowded life we lead,
find the room for hope to enter,
find the frame where we are freed:
clear the chaos and the clutter,
clear our eyes that we can see
all the things that really matter,
be at peace, and simply be.

Silence is a friend who claims us,
cools the heat and slows the pace,
God it is who speaks and names us,
knows our being, face to face,
making space within our thinking,
lifting shades to show the sun,
raising courage when we're shrinking,
finding scope for faith begun.

In the Spirit let us travel,
open to each other's pain,
let our loves and fears unravel,
celebrate the space we gain:
there's a place for deepest dreaming,
there's a time for hearts to care,
in the Spirits lively scheming
there is always room to spare!

Words: Shirley Erena Murray, alt.; Music: attrib. Benjamin Franklin White; harmony Ronald A. Nelson.

Prayers of the People
Minute for Mission

In our Common Worship Together

For each intercession, please add aloud or in the silence of your hearts your response to each petition.
...Gracious God, Hear our prayer!

Angels to bring us peace and saints to assist us: Grant us, O God, grant us. Amen

May the peace and love of Christ be with you always!
And also with you!

Offertory Hymn: MV 154 Deep In Our Hearts

Deep in our hearts there is a common vision;
Deep in our hearts there is a common song;
Deep in our hearts there is a common story,
telling Creation that we are one.

Deep in our hearts there is a common purpose;
Deep in our hearts there is a common goal;
Deep in our hearts there is a sacred message,
justice and peace in harmony.

Deep in our hearts there is a common longing;
Deep in our hearts there is a common theme;
Deep in our hearts there is a common current,
flowing to freedom like a stream.

Deep in our hearts there is a common vision;
Deep in our hearts there is a common song;
Deep in our hearts there is a common story,
telling Creation that we are one.

Words: John Oldham; music: Ron Klusmeier

Response: VU 541 Praise God From Whom All Blessingas Flow

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise God, all creatures high and low;
give thanks to God in love made known:
Creator, Word and Spirit One! Amen

Words: adapted from Thomas Ken Music: Louis Bourgeois, in Genevan Psalter.

Prayer over the Gifts
We bring to you the fruits of the earth, the work of our hands, and the gifts of our hearts, O God. And with them, we bring a yearning for justice, a passion for good, and a commitment to do your will.
May our words and our works help to declare your goodness, we pray. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

Hymn: MV 161 I Have Called You by Your Name

I have called you by your name, you are mine;
I have gifted you and ask you now to shine.
I will not abandon you; all my promises are true.
You are gifted, called and chosen; you are mine.

I will help you learn my name as you go;
read it written in my people, help them grow.
Pour the water in my name, speak the word your soul can claim,
offer Jesus’ body given long ago.

I know you will need my touch as you go;
feel it pulsing in creation’s ebb and flow.
Like the woman reaching out, choosing faith in spite of doubt,
hold the hem of Jesus’ robe, then let it go.

I have given you a name, it is mine;
I have given you my Spirit as a sign.
With my wonder in your soul, make my wounded children whole;
go and tell my precious people they are mine.

Words and music: Daniel Charles Damon.

Go from this place in peace to the place where God asks you to serve this week. The blessings of God, our host and our guest, bless you in all tasks that are yours.
Amen! Thanks be to God! Gilakas’la! Amen!

Threefold Amen


  • Coffee following the service!
  • Mission focus is Threshold Housing in Victoria
  • Christine and Sheila are at VST for another week
  • Bible Study & Celtic Prayer: to resume in the fall!

Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Lent • Pentecost 4 2022 Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2021 Worship Outline • July 3, 2022

Words for hymns reprinted and podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 and CCLI License # 11033010. All rights reserved.

Voices United 395 Come In, Come In and Sit Down Words and music: James K Manley. Words, Music: © 1984 James K. Manley. Arrangement: © 1987 Songs for a Gospel People. All rights reserved. Reprinted under CCLI License # 11033010 (244102) and License #A-720359 (#26147).

More Voices 1 Let Us Build a House Words and music: Marty Haugen. Words and music copyright © 1994 GIA Publications Inc. All rights reserved. License #A-720359 (#00004).

Voices United 508 Just as I Am Words: Charlotte Elliot 1834; Music: William Batchelder Bradbury 1849. Words and music: Public Domain

Voices United 374 Come and Find the Quiet Centre Words: Shirley Erena Murray, alt. 1989; Music: attrib. Benjamin Franklin White, 1844; harmony Ronald A. Nelson 1978. Words: © 1992 Hope Publishing Company. Music: Public Domain. Harmony: reprinted from Lutheran Book of Worship © 1978, by permission of Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted under CCLI License # 11033010 (5267527) or License #A-720359 words (#93151), harmonization (#13124).

More Voices 154 Deep In Our Hearts Words: John Oldham, 1995 Music: Ron Klusmeier, 1996. Words copyright © 1995 John Wesley Oldham. Music copyright © 1996 Ron Klusmeier. Musiklus. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Reprinted under License #A-720359 music (#79912).

Voices United 541 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Words: adapted from Thomas Ken ca. 1674 Music: Louis Bourgeois, in Genevan Psalter 1551. Copyright Public domain.

More Voices 161 I Have Called You by Your Name Words and music: Daniel Charles Damon. Words and music copyright © 1995 Hope Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Reprinted under License #A-720359 (#04090).