St. Columba's Anglican United Church St. Columba's Anglican United Church
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The Ordination of Sheila Evelyn Cook to the Sacred Order of Priest
Order of Service and Hymns

Words for congregational hymns only are included here.

HYMN: VU 567 Will You Come and Follow Me

Will you come and follow me if I but call your name?
Will you go where you don't know and never be the same?
Will you let my love be shown,
will you let my name be known,
will you let my life be grown
in you and you in me?

Will you leave yourself behind if I but call your name?
Will you care for cruel and kind and never be the same?
Will you risk the hostile stare
should your life attract or scare?
Will you let me answer prayer
in you and you in me?

Will you let the blinded see if I but call your name?
Will you set the prisoners free and never be the same?
Will you kiss the leper clean,
and do such as this unseen,
and admit to what I mean
in you and you in me?

Will you love the 'you' you hide if I but call your name?
Will you quell the fear inside and never be the same?
Will you use the faith you've found
to reshape the world around,
through my sight and touch and sound
in you and you in me?

Christ, your summons echoes true when you but call my name.
Let me turn and follow you and never be the same.
In your company I’ll go
where your love and footsteps show.
Thus I’ll move and live and grow
in you and you in me.

HYMN: VU 510 We Have this Ministry

We have this ministry and we are not discouraged;
it is by God’s own power that we may live and serve.
Openly we share God’s word, speaking truth as we believe,
praying that the shadowed world may healing light receive.
We have this ministry, O God receive our living.

O Christ, the tree of life, our end and our beginning,
we grow to fullest flower when rooted in your love.
Brothers, sisters, clergy, lay, called to service by your grace,
different cultures, different gifts, the young and old a place.
We have this ministry, O God, receive our giving.

The yoke of Christ is ours, the whole world is our parish;
we daily take the cross, the burden and the joy.
Bearing hurts of those we serve, wounded, bruised and bowed with pain,
Holy Spirit, bread and wine, we die and rise again.
We have this ministry, O God, receive our loving.

Prayer chant: Veni Sancte Spiritus. (in English: Come Holy Spirit)

Veni Sancte Spiritus (repeat)

Sung during Eucharist: SFGP 97 Holy, holy Lord (Sanctus)

Holy, holy Lord,
God of power and might,
heaven and earth are full,
full of your glory. 
Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is the One who comes
in the name of the Lord,
blessed is the One who comes,
comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.

HYMN: VU 559 Come, O Fount of Every Blessing

Come, O Fount of every blessing,
tune my heart to sing your grace;
streams of mercy never ceasing
call for songs of endless praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount; I'm fixed upon it,
mount of God's unfailing love.

Here I pause in my sojourning,
giving thanks for having come,
come to trust, at every turning,
God will guide me safely home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
wandering from the fold of God,
came to rescue me from danger,
precious presence, precious blood.

O, to grace how great a debtor
daily I am drawn anew!
Let that grace now, like a fetter,
bind my wandering heart to you.
Prone to wander, I can feel it,
wander from the love I've known:
here's my heart, O, take and seal it,
seal it for your very own.

HYMN: VU 509 I, the Lord of Sea and Sky

I, the Lord of sea and sky,
I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin
my hand will save.
I, who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?

Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.

I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people’s pain,
I have wept for love of them;
they turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone,
give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my words to them.
Whom shall I send?

Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.

I, the Lord of wind and flame,
I will tend the poor and lame,
will set a feast for them;
my hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide
till their hearts be satisfied.
I will give my life to them.
Whom shall I send?

Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.

Voices United 567 Will You Come and Follow Me Words: John Bell, The Iona Community, 1987; Music: Scottish traditional; arr. The Iona Community, 1987. Words and arrangement copyright © 1987 WGRG (Wild Goose Resource Group), The Iona Community, G.I.A. Publications Inc. Used with permission. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE  License # A-720359 (#00077). All rights reserved.

Voices United 510 We Have this Ministry Words and music: Jim Strathdee, 1979. Words and music copyright © 1979 Desert Flower Music. Used with permission. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE License #A-720359 (#59010). All rights reserved.

Veni Sancte Spiritus. (in English: Come Holy Spirit) ; Taizé Community, 1978, © 1979, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent. Used with permission. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE License #A-720359 (#00171). All rights reserved.

Songs for a Gospel People 97 Holy, holy Lord (Sanctus) Setting: Jim Strathdee. 1975. copyright © 1978 Desert Flower Music.  Used with permission. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE License #A-720359 (#60029). All rights reserved.

Voices United 559 Come, O Fount of Every Blessing Words: Robert Robinson 1758, altered; Music: John Wyeth, Repository of Sacred Music, Part II 1813. Word alterations copyright © 1993 The Pilgrim Press. Music: Public Domain. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE License #A-720359 (#12929). All rights reserved.

Voices United 509 I, the Lord of Sea and Sky Words and Music: Daniel L Schutte, 1981. Words, Music, Harmony: © 1981 Daniel L Schutte and New Dawn Music administered by Oregon Catholic Press. Used with permission. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE License #A-720359 (#80670). All rights reserved.