St. Columba's Anglican United Church St. Columba's Anglican United Church
St. Columba's Anglican United Church is live
St. Columba's Port Hardy Sunday Service
Rev. Christine Muise
Rev. Christine Muise
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Order of Service and Hymns


Second Sunday in Lent Year B
February 25, 2024
Anglican Service of the Word

Mission Statement
As followers of Jesus Christ, our church is a community called to love, honour, worship, and serve God. We invite others to share our Christian journey as we grow in faith and engage in ministry in our town and mission in our world.

PO Box 1260, Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Office Phone: 250-949-6247
Minister: Rev. Christine Muise
Warden: Robert Fyles;
Treasurer: Judy Fyles
Music Ministry: Roldan Yuipco
Video: Ammie Yuipco
Community Partner: Cathie Wilson

~ Leader: regular font
~ All: bold font
~ Sung words: bold italics
~ Asterix* stand as you are able

Welcome and Announcements
Land Acknowledgement and
Acknowledgment of War

The night has now passed and the day lies open before us.
Let us greet the beginning of a new week in Christ and acknowledge, with thanksgiving, the circle of life.

Facing East (towards the rising sun)
O risen Christ,
the image of the invisible God, firstborn of all creation, in whom all things hold together, we welcome the radiance of your holy Presence.

Facing South
O risen Christ,
in whom we live and move and have our being, We affirm the wonder of creation, and a world of humbling needs, We welcome your Word to reveal paths of faith, hope and love.

Facing West
O risen Christ,
through whom the deep mystery of God is revealed and made known, We welcome the fresh winds of your Spirit to awaken us to your summons.

Facing North
O risen Christ,
we stand as a people of the north and of these western isles. We commit ourselves once again to you, and call out our praise to you, our Creator and Sustainer.

Facing the Cross
Let the earth rejoice.
Let the multitude of the isles be glad. Let the earth sing out its praise. Rejoice together. Again, I say rejoice.

Kyrie MV 67 (x3)

Kyrie Eleison. Kyrie Eleison.
Christe Eleison. Christe Eleison.
Kyrie Eleison. Kyrie Eleison.

Music: John L. Bell.

Centering Stillness
Let us hold this moment open to the Spirit of God. (silence)

*Hymn: VU 121 Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery (v 1, 3-4, 2nd Sunday)

Tree of Life and awesome mystery,
in your death we are reborn,
though you die in all of history,
still you rise with every morn,
still you rise with every morn.

We remember truth once spoken,
love passed on through act and word,
every person lost and broken
wears the body of our Lord,
wears the body of our Lord.

Gentle Jesus, mighty Spirit,
come inflame our hearts anew,
we may all your joy inherit
if we bear the cross with you,
if we bear the cross with you.

In our call to be a blessing,
may we be a blessing true;
may we live and die confessing
Christ as Lord of all we do,
Christ as Lord of all we do.

Words and music: Marty Haugen


Hutłilala's! Listen deeply as scripture is read.
Hebrew Scripture Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16

Psalm 22: 22-30 VU 746 (Parts 3 & 4)
Refrain 2: In the presence of your people I will praise your name. (repeat)
Give praise, all you who fear God! Proclaim God’s greatness, all you children of Jacob;
stand in awe, all you children of Israel!
Give praise, all you who fear God! Proclaim God’s greatness, all you children of Jacob;
stand in awe, all you children of Israel!
For God has neither despised nor scorned the poor in their distress.
You, O God, have not hidden your face from them. You heard them when they called to you.
R2: In the presence of your people I will praise your name. (repeat)

You are the theme of my praise in the great assembly.
I will keep my promise in the presence of those who fear you.
Let the poor eat to satisfaction; let those who seek you praise you.
May they be in good heart forever!
Let all the ends of the earth remember and turn to you, O God. Let all the families of the nations bow down before you.
For yours is the dominion, O God, you rule over the nations.
R2: In the presence of your people I will praise your name. (repeat)

Even all who sleep in the grave shall worship you; those who go down into the dust shall bow before you.
I too shall live for you.
Our children shall serve you, and tell generations yet to come about you.
To a people yet unborn, they shall make known the saving deeds you have done.
R2: In the presence of your people I will praise your name. (repeat)

Epistle: Romans 4: 13-25

*Hymn: VU 892 Who Comes from God

Who comes from God, as Word and Breath?
Holy Wisdom.
Who holds the keys of life and death?
Mighty Wisdom.
Crafter and Creator too,
Eldest, she makes all things new;
Wisdom guides what God will do,
Wisest One, Radiant One,
welcome Holy Wisdom.

Who lifts her voice for all to hear?
Joyful Wisdom.
Who shapes a thought and makes it clear?
Truthful Wisdom.
Teacher drawing out our best,
magnifies what we invest,
names our truth, directs our quest,
Wisest One, Radiant One,
welcome Holy Wisdom.

Whom should we seek with all our heart?
Loving Wisdom.
Who once revealed, will not depart?
Faithful Wisdom.
Partner, Counselor, Comforter,
love has found none lovelier,
life is gladness lived with her,
Wisest One, Radiant One,
welcome Holy Wisdom.

Words: Patrick Michaels; Arr. Hal Hopson.

May God be with you!
And also with you!
The Holy Gospel of Jesus the Christ according to Mark.
Glory to you Christ our Saviour.
*Gospel: Mark 8: 31-38
The Gospel of Christ.
Praise to you Jesus the Christ.

Sermon/ Reflection

Affirmation of Faith
Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.
This is the first and the great commandment. The second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.

Intercessions/ Prayers
Mission story:
Mission and Service or PWRDF

(Let us offer our prayers to the source of all love and all life)
At the bidding: Lord, have mercy
Please respond: Christ have mercy.

The Peace
The Peace of Christ be always with you!
And also with you!

*Offertory Hymn: VU 117 Jesus Christ is Waiting

Jesus Christ is waiting, waiting in the streets;
no one is his neighbour all alone he eats.
Listen, Lord Jesus, I am lonely too.
Make me, friend or stranger, fit to wait on you.

Jesus Christ is raging, raging in the streets,
where injustice spirals, and real hope retreats,
Listen, Lord Jesus, I am angry too.
In the kingdom’s causes let me rage with you.

Jesus Christ is healing, healing in the streets;
curing those who suffer, touching those he greets.
Listen, Lord Jesus, I have pity too.
Let my care be active, healing just like you.

Jesus Christ is dancing, dancing in the streets,
where each sign of hatred he, with love, defeats.
Listen, Lord Jesus, I should triumph too.
On suspicion’s graveyard let me dance with you.

Jesus Christ is calling, calling in the streets,
“Who will join my journey? I will guide their feet.”
Listen, Lord Jesus, let my fears be few.
Walk one step before me; I will follow you.

Words: John L Bell

*Response: VU 581 v2 When We Are Living

Through all our living, we our fruits must give.
Good works of service are for offering.
When we are giving, or when receiving,
we belong to God; we belong to God.

Prayer over the gifts

*The Lord’s Prayer
Gathering our prayers and praises into one, let us pray as our Saviour taught us,
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and for ever. Amen.

The Doxology, Blessing and Dismissal
Glory to God,
whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Glory to God from generation to generation, in the Church and in Christ Jesus, for ever and ever. Amen.


*Hymn: VU 686 God of Grace and God of Glory

God of grace and God of glory,
on your people pour your power;
now fulfil your church’s story;
bring its bud to glorious flower.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the facing of this hour.
For the facing of this hour.

Lo! the hosts of evil round us,
scorn your Christ, assail your ways.
fears and doubts too long have bound us,
free our hearts to work and praise.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the living of these days.
For the living of these days.

Cure your children’s warring madness,
bend our pride to your control;
shame our wanton selfish gladness,
rich in goods and poor in soul.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
lest we miss your kingdom’s goal.
Lest we miss your kingdom’s goal.

Set our feet on lofty places,
gird our lives that they may be
armoured with all Christ-like graces,
pledged to set all captives free.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
that we fail not them nor thee.
That we fail not them nor thee.

Carry out into the world the love of God in Christ.
Loved, forgiven and redeemed, we go forth! Amen. Gilakas’la.

*Three-fold Amen

•Celtic Prayer (Iona) and Bible Study: Wednesdays Hybrid (Zoom and in person) beginning on February 21 at 4 PM
•February 26 Ecumenical Society Monday 1 PM
•February 27 Church Council Tuesday 6:30 PM Hybrid
•March 1 World Day of Prayer 2 PM
•Mar 29 Good Friday Service with Bishop Anna
•Mar 31 Sunrise Service 7 AM at Kinsman Pavilion
•The church council is still looking to fill a couple of volunteer positions after the AGM: After many years Pricilla O’Neil is “retiring” and the position of People’s Warden is vacant. There is also room on the church council for a member at large. Please speak to Robert Fyles or Christine Muise about details or your interest in either of these positions.
• The Anglican Primate Linda Nicholls will be at St Mark (Qualicum Beach) on Wednesday April 24th and will celebrate and preach at the 11:30 am service. This will be followed by a simple luncheon. The Primate coming is a big deal and there are 10 spaces available to each parish in the mid-north Island. We need to pre-register for this event, so please let Christine Muise know ASAP if you would like to attend. Otherwise, we will need to let the organizers know that there are additional seats available to offer to other parishes on the mid-north Island.

Liturgical resources from:
Service from the West Coast Liturgy of Islands and Inlets (Diocese of British Columbia 2018 and
The Book of Alternative Services (BAS). Copyright © 1985 Both by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. All rights reserved. Reproduced under license from ABC Publishing, Anglican Book Centre, a ministry of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, from Anglican Liturgical Library. Further copying is prohibited.

Music copyright:
Words for hymns reprinted, podcast or streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 or CCLI License # 11033010. All rights reserved.

More Voices 67 Kyrie Eleison (Bridget) Words: Traditional liturgical text. Music: John L. Bell. Music copyright © 1998 by WGRG Iona Community, Scotland, administered GIA Publications Inc., exclusive North American agent. All rights reserved. Reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 (#04341). All rights reserved.

Voices United 121 Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery Words and music: Marty Haugen, 1984. Words and music copyright © 1984 G.I.A. Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 Words and music (#00169). All rights reserved.

Voices United 746 Psalm 22 Part three and four Refrain Words, Music: Brent Chambers © 1977 Scripture in Song. All rights reserved. Reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 (#311) or CCLI License # 11033010 (23945). All rights reserved.

Voices United 892 Wisdom 7: Who Comes from God Words: Patrick Michaels 1989; Music: Choralmelodien zum heiligen Gesange, 1808 arr. Hal Hopson 1991. Words copyright © 1989 arrangement copyright © 1991 Hope Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 words (#45571) and arrangement (#45572) or CCLI License # 11033010 (1341341). All rights reserved.

Voices United 117 Jesus Christ is Waiting Words: John L Bell, 1984; Music: French carol, 15th century; harmony The Iona Community, 1984. Music: Public Domain. Words and harmony © 1988 WGRG, The Iona Community, G.I.A. Publications Inc., exclusive agent. All rights reserved. Reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 (#3647JesusChrist). All rights reserved.

Voices United 581 When We Are Living Verse 2 only English translation verses 2-4 George Lockwood 1987. Music: Spanish melody; harmony Carlton R. Young 1989. Translation and harmony copyright © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House. Reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under CCLI License # 11033010 (4968810) or ONE LICENSE #A-720359 Harmony (#00901) and translation verses 2-4 (#15060). All rights reserved.

Voices United 686 God of Grace and God of Glory Words: Harry Emerson Fosdick, 1930; Music: John Hughes, 1905. (alternate tune VU 651 CWM RHONDDA) Words and Music: public domain.