St. Columba's Anglican United Church St. Columba's Anglican United Church
St. Columba's Anglican United Church is live
St. Columba Church Sunday Service
Rev. Christine Muise
Rev. Christine Muise
Sunday, August 8, 2021
Order of Service and Hymns

PO Box 1260, Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Office Phone: 250-949-6247
Minister: Rev. Christine Muise
Indigenous Ministry: Gloria Walkus
Music Ministry: Roldan Yuipco
Video: Ammie Yuipco
11th Sunday after Pentecost
August 8, 2021
Holy Communion
Mission Statement
As followers of Jesus Christ, our church is a community called to love, honour, worship, serve God.
We invite others to share our Christian journey as we grow in faith and engage in ministry in our town and mission in our world.

Out of the depths, I cry to God. (Psalm 130:1)

Welcome and Announcements

Land Acknowledgement


Call to Worship
As we gather here today, may the peace of Christ be upon this house of worship.
As we come together, may God’s peace rest on us as we listen to the message, sing songs of praise, and give thanks.
May our time together ignite in us a desire to go out and share the peace and love of Christ with others.
Let us worship God, singing and praising God’s wonderful love for all.

Hymn: CP 465 Gather Us In

Here in this place new light is streaming;
now is the darkness vanished away.
See in this space our fears and our dreamings,
brought here to you in the light of this day.
Gather us in – the lost and forsaken;
gather us in – the blind and the lame;
call to us now, and we shall awaken;
we shall arise at the sound of our name.

We are the young – our lives are a mystery;
We are the old – who yearn for your face.
We have been sung throughout all of history,
called to be light to the whole human race.
Gather us in – the rich and the haughty;
gather us in – the proud and the strong;
give us a heart so meek and so lowly;
give us the courage to enter the song.

Here we will take the wine and the water;
here we will take the bread of new birth.
Here you shall call your sons and your daughters,
call us anew to be salt for the earth.
Give us to drink the wine of compassion;
give us to eat the bread that is you;
nourish us well, and teach us to fashion
lives that are holy and hearts that are true.

Not in the dark of buildings confining,
not in some heaven, light-years away,
but here in this place the new light is shining;
now is the kingdom, now is the day.
Gather us in and hold us forever;
gather us in and make us your own;
gather us in – all peoples together,
fire of love in our flesh and our bone.

Words and music: Marty Haugan.

Opening Prayer



Psalm 130
1 Out of the depths have I called you, O Lord;
Lord, hear my voice;*
let your ears consider well the voice of my supplication.
2 If you, Lord, were to note what is done amiss,*
O Lord, who could stand?
3 For there is forgiveness with you;*
therefore you shall be feared.
4 I wait for the Lord; my soul waits for him;*
in his word is my hope.
5 My soul waits for the Lord,
more than watchmen for the morning,*
more than watchmen for the morning.
6 O Israel, wait for the Lord,*
for with the Lord there is mercy;
7 With him there is plenteous redemption,*
and he shall redeem Israel from all their sins.

Rescue us, O God for whom we wait, from the depths of depression and despair. May we trust in your mercy, know the fullness of your redemption, and share in the glory of your kingdom; through our Saviour Jesus Christ.

The Epistle: Ephesians 4:25-5:20

Hymn: VU 595 We Are Pilgrims

We are pilgrims on a journey,
fellow travellers on the road;
we are here to help each other
walk the mile and bear the load.

Sister, let me be your servant,
let me be as Christ to you;
pray that I may have the grace to
let you be my servant too.

I will hold the Christ-light for you
in the night-time of your fear;
I will hold my hand out to you,
speak the peace you long to hear.

I will weep when you are weeping,
when you laugh I'll laugh with you;
I will share your joy and sorrow,
till we've seen this journey through.

When we sing to God in heaven,
we shall find such harmony,
born of all we've known together
of Christ's love and agony.

Brother, let me be your servant,
let me be as Christ to you;
pray that I may have the grace to
let you be my servant too.

Words and music: Richard Gillard.

One: The Lord be with you
All: And also with you

One: The Gospel of Jesus Christ according to John.
All: Glory to you Lord Jesus Christ

The Gospel: John 6: 35, 41-51

One: This is the Gospel of Christ
All: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

Sermon Reflection

Affirmation of Faith:

Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one,
Love the Lord your God with all your heart,
With all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.
This is the first and the great commandment.
The second is like it:
Love your neighbour as yourself.
There is no commandment greater than these.

Prayers of the People
In our Shared Ministry Church Cycles of Prayer we pray for Canadian Forces Comox & Esquimalt and Military Chaplains, Canadian Memorial United, Carman United, Castlegar United, Cedar United, Centennial United, and Central Okanagan United. We also pray for Anna, our bishop, the congregation of St. Mark. Qualicum Beach and the Rev. Elizabeth Northcott....

Prayer of Confession
Where we have failed to live in your way,
Loving God, forgive us.
Where we have failed to show your way to others,
Loving God, forgive us.
Where we have seen your way as being too costly,
Loving God, forgive us.
Where we have failed to do the right thing in favour of the easy thing,
Loving God, forgive us.

Words of Assurance

The Peace
The peace of the Lord be always with you.
And also with you.

Hymn: MV 193 God Bless to Us Our Bread x3

God bless to us our bread,
and give bread to all those who are hungry,
and hunger for justice to those who are fed;
God bless to us our bread.

Words: Bishop Federico Pagura; English translation John L Bell; Music traditional melody Argentina; translation John L Bell.

Prayer over the Gifts

The following prayer is from the West Coast Liturgy of the Diocese of Islands and Inlets (BC).

God is here.
The Spirit is with us.
Lift up your hearts and minds.
We lift them to God.
Let us give thanks to God the Creator.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.

... Therefore, together with our ancestors in faith and with your beloved creation we sing:
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,
Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.

...Whenever you drink it, do this to remember me
Entering into the mystery of faith we call:
Come Source of life. Come, transforming Word. Come, Creator Spirit.

With his sacred presence unbounded by space and time... 

The Lord's Prayer (said traditionally)
With Jesus, we pray together saying:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life.
Jesus Christ, the True Vine.

The gifts of God for the people of God. Come, for all is made ready for you.
Thanks be to God

The Communion

Prayer After Communion
Loving God, grant to your church and all your children, the unity and peace that we have tasted in this communion, the fruit of your life-giving Spirit. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen.

Glory to God, whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Glory to God from generation to generation, in the Church and in Christ Jesus, for ever and ever. Amen.

The Doxology
All your works praise you, O Lord.
And your faithful servants bless you. Gracious God we thank you for feeding us with the body and blood of your Son Jesus Christ. May we, who share his body, live his risen life; we, who drink his cup, bring life to others; we, whom the Spirit lights, give light to the world. Keep us firm in the hope you have set before us, so that we and all your children shall be free, and the whole earth live to praise your name; through Christ our Lord. Amen

Hymn: VU 626 I Heard the Voice of Jesus

I heard the voice of Jesus say,
“Come unto me and rest;
lay down, O weary one, lay down
your head upon my breast.”
I came to Jesus as I was,
so weary, worn, and sad;
I found in him a resting-place,
and he has made me glad.

I heard the voice of Jesus say,
Behold, I freely give
the living water; thirsty one,
stoop down and drink and live.”
I came to Jesus, and I drank
of that life-giving stream;
my thirst was quenched, my soul revived,
and now I live in him.

I heard the voice of Jesus say,
“I am this dark world’s light;
look unto me, your morn shall rise,
and all your days be bright.”
I looked to Jesus, and I found
in him my star, my sun;
and in that light of life I’ll walk
till travelling days are done.

Words: Horatius Bonar; Music: English/Irish traditional melody, arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams.

The Blessing

Go, respecting and serving all that God has created.
For God created all and saw that it was good!
Carry out into the world the love of God in Christ.
Loved, forgiven, and redeemed, we go forth!

Three-fold Amen


  • Safety reminders
  • Camp Spirit summer day camp is Aug 23 to 27 for kids 5 to 11. Details on poster on church door or postcards.
  • Bible Study is taking a break until September
  • Please remember to bring in canned or dry goods for our community cupboard and blessing box. Especially useful are ramen noodles, Kraft dinner, and canned vegetable or mushroom soups and canned fish. Fresh items are also suitable for the blessing box.
  • Mission focus this month is the Hardy Bay Senior Citizens’ Society

Call to Worship by Stephanie Richmond, Opening Prayer Wanda Winfield, Words of Assurance by Eric Hebert-Daly, adapted and used with permission from “Gathering: Pentecost 11 2021 and Pentecost 1 2021”. Prayer of Confession by Beth W. Johnston, adapted and used with permission from “Gathering: Pentecost 1 2015”. Communion Liturgy for the Islands, 2018 (The Anglican Diocese of Islands and Inlets-BC) additional prayers from “The Book of Alternative
Services of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Words for hymns reprinted and podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 and CCLI License # 11033010. All rights reserved.

Here in this Place/Gather Us In Words and music: Marty Haugan. Words and music copyright © 1982 G.I.A. Publications Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under License #A-720359 (#00031).

We Are Pilgrims Words and music: Richard Gillard, 1977. Words, music and arrangement copyright © 1977 Scripture in Song, Maranatha! Music. Administered by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under CCLI License # 11033010 (72673). 

God Bless to Us Our Bread Words : Bishop Federico Pagura, Argentina; English trans. John L Bell; Music: traditional melody, Argentina; arrangement John L Bell. Words copyright © World Council of Churches Publications, Geneva; English translation and arrangement copyright © 1997, 2007 by WGRG, Iona Community, Scotland, admin. GIA Publications Inc., excl. N. American agent. Music and original Spanish collected by Federico Pagura © 2002 World
Council of Churches Geneva. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Reprinted under License #A-720359 (#34826).

I Heard the Voice of Jesus Words: Horatius Bonar, 1846 Music: English/Irish traditional melody, arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906. Words and music: Public Domain. Arrangement: Used by permission of Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. Reprinted under License #A-720359 (#80909).