St. Columba's has committed itself to walk on a journey of truth-telling, healing, and reconciliation with the Indigenous Peoples of the Islands and Inlets where we live, work, and minister as a church. We are grateful for the continued financial and other support of the Pacific Mountain Regional Council of the United Church of Canada under the LeaderShift Church Plant Project and to the Anglican Diocese of the Island and Inlets, the Anglican Foundation of Canada and the United Way food hub spoke.

Our church seeks to continue building partnerships and relationships with the First Nations on the North Island.  We work to support local Indigenous Nation initiatives such as the Tri-Nation Walk and Celebration on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with our Focus Funds.  We also support the Moose-Hide Campaign, the REDress Campaign, and the National Indigenous Day of Prayer.  

Our St. Columba Sanctuary and Sunday Meal is our primary outreach.  This offers connection, community, and caring.  Our friends rest, eat and even play some crib, scrabble, and yatzee.  When there are community tragedies, it is a safe place for people to share their feelings and to check in on one another.