We are looking forward to worshipping with you. Dress is casual, please come as you are. Feel free to participate in whatever way you wish. Our services follow the six seasons of the church year and the revised common lectionary.

Our services reflect our affiliation with the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Canada.  The order of service is contained in a printed bulletin and is also displayed on the overhead television screen at the front of the church (sanctuary).

Our Clergy

As an Anglican-United Shared Ministry, we call ministers from both denominations to serve us.  We utilize both lay leadership and ordained leadership for our services.   

Eucharist/Communion Service:

Once a month we have a Communion service. Bread and both wine and grape juice are served at the front of the church or brought to where you are seated. You can choose wine or juice by moving or indicating to the appropriate server after receiving bread. If your mobility or other reason prevents you from coming to the front but you would like to receive communion please mention this to the greeter or minister before the service and the elements will be brought to you in your seat.

 Hymns and service music:

As a congregation we enjoy singing together.  We use Voices United and More Voices for most of our hymn selections.  They range from contemporary to traditional each week. Words are normally displayed on the overhead screen; those who wish to read the music will find the hymn books distributed in the pews. 

Stay in Touch:

Please sign our guest book. If you are from the Port Hardy area, please fill in the "Welcome" contact card in the greeting area. If you would like to receive a charitable donation receipt for any offering you care to make please use one of the visitor envelopes available from the greeter and fill in the contact information. If you would like to become a regular donor to support the life and work of the church ask the greeter to direct you to the envelope secretary who can set you up with donation envelopes or a pre-authorized remittance.